Massage Therapy

Massage Therapists use a combination of soft tissue massage, myofascial release, joint mobilization, stretching and exercise to reduce muscle tension and increase joint range of motion and function


Treatment of soft tissue, joint and neurological conditions using manual therapy techniques and exercise. Treatments may also include taping, cupping, acupuncture, and shockwave therapy if indicated.


Shockwave therapy is a safe, non-invasive treatment that uses short, intense energy waves to help heal injuries to muscle, tendon, ligament and bone.
Can be a standalone treatment or used a modality within a longer osteopathy or massage therapy treatment.

Exercise Therapy

Exercise session and programming for specific goals : injury rehabilitation, strength, mobility/flexibility
Can be exercise only or split exercise and therapy
Can be billed as either massage therapy or osteopathy

Erin’s passion for physical performance was fostered during her time at UofT playing varsity basketball, and receiving her degree in physical education and health. She has since received her diploma as a Registered Massage Therapist, and Osteopathic Manual Practitioner. Erin has also received additional training in medical acupuncture, concussion management, strength and conditioning, and post-natal rehabilitation. Erin loves empowering her clients and giving them the tools to lead a healthy and more functional life.

Erin’s passion for physical performance was fostered during her time at UofT playing varsity bask... Read More

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Located at: 29 Main St. East, Suite 101, Huntsville
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